Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainy Windy Sunny Sunday in NorCal

Cousin AMK writes to me from Copenhagen today:

"We got in the Top5 as number 5 out of 25 countries, so that was fine. Aserbajdsjan won the contest - it is a former part of the Sovjet Republic, that nobody knows much about. Now they have a great oppotunity to show us and they were very very happy.

Thank you for optimizing the link to the better bbc one on your blog ;-). Oh, yes - I remember The Olsen Brothers in Tivoli when you were here :-)."

Here are the winners. If you do not know about the Eurovision contest then you are probably not one of the countries who participate. It is televised and the local people in those countries vote by phone. And there is a small group of musician judges that are factored into the final results. It is now the largest non-sport televised event in Europe. I  think it is in its third decade, however, tv and digital stuff  have expanded its audience. There is first all entries. Then there is the Semi-Finals. (Denmark was #2)  And lastly, there is the Finals which happened last night in Dusseldorf, Germany.

I had to do a search on the internet to find Ell and Nikki's country which once was part of the Soviet Union. (It borders "Armenia" where my Aunt Dorothy's family lived before the genocide.)  Next year they will host Eurovision 2012 because their entry won this year, which will definitely put them on people's mental map.


Jon said...

Why don't they show at least the highlights on MTV?

Fed Fyr said...

Denmark is great! I love it I do!